
5 Much Helpful Tips to Plan a Warm Valentine’s Day for Her

There always someone ask, is it more important to love or to be loved? Seems like a difficult question to be answered. Most of us would agree with George Eliot’s words,” I like not only to be loved, but also to be told I am loved.”
As 2018 Valentine’s Day is upon us, in this occasion, you could do many things to show your love and sincere. Tips and plans are everywhere on sites and apps, but how to plan a warm and considerate valentine's date, we ZVE here will show you some tips here. 

1 Send a card and a bouquet of flowers before the date
-Send her a card with a bouquet of flowers in the morning to her office. Planning ahead will show your lady you are thoughtful, that you are genuinely looking forward to celebrating the day with her. It will make her feeling happy and sweet all day at work, trust me!

2 Prepare an intimate dinner at home and order a car for her when off work
-Nothing is happier than eating a dinner well prepared by your loved one. Go home earlier to prepare a dedicate dinner before she comes back. Please do remember, call a taxi in advance to take her home. She will definitely think you are so considerate.

3 Pair your dinner with the perfect decorations
-You do need to prepare the perfect wine or champagne, this must be the best partner for a Valentine’s dinner when enjoying your steak.And create a romantic playlist to set the mood.

4 Express your love as well as show your gift 
-Over dinner, say some love quotes to her, whether from her favourite romantic comedy or poem. It will makes her heart melt when hearing this. And at the same time, show your gift to her, which will make her more happier. 

5 Enjoy the rest of time at home or go for a walk outside
-After a delicious dinner together, you may feel full and lethargic, then you can grab your coats, and take a stroll hand in hand to breathe the fresh air in the park. Or you can just stay home, listen to the music, talk openly to each other, and enjoy the beautiful night. (Or you can enjoy ZVE giveaway for you here>>)

So now you know how to plan your Valentine’s Day? You might take the above as reference, or just take some of them to try. Let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions to others in comments.

In our next blog, we will introduce some valentine gift ideas to you, please stay tuned for us! 
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