
2018 Father’s Day Celebration Idea and Suggestion

Father's Day, as the name suggests, is a holiday for Thanksgiving. It began in the early 20th century and originated in the United States. It is now widely spread around the world and holiday dates vary by region. The most extensive date is on the third Sunday of June each year. There are 52 countries and regions in the world that have Father's Day on this day. There are various ways of celebrating at the festival, most of which are related to gifts, family dinners or events.

What’s your idea on this Father’s Day? Have you made some research and prepared your plan? Maybe that’s still a bit early, but if you have difficulty in making choice or like to delay plans, then it’s time for your to start thinking how to spend the day with your dad.

We have collected some ideas and suggestions from people around the world, you may have a try if you haven’t known or done it before.

(1)Do Sports

How long haven’t you played sports with your dad together? Have you remembered the last time you’ve been doing together? We believe that your exercise are all playing with dad when you are young. So, it’s time for you to exercise with your dad. Invite him to go for a bike, climb mountains, row a boat, play badminton, go swimming or else. Just ask your father first and let him choose his favorites.

(2)Have a Picnic 

Prepare some foods and drinks, go to your favourite park or your own backyard, to celebrate this holiday in a old-fashioned picnic. 

(3)Movie Day

If your dad is a movie fan, and watching different kinds of movie is his hoody in leisure time, then you can prepare some new movies which is his favourite style, invite him to watch it with you and family members in the afternoon or evening. Also prepare some snacks when watching the movie.  

(4)Go Shopping

We suppose that your father’s clothes is not as much as yours and he won’t change or purchase new ones frequently. So, you can decide to take him to the shopping mall and find a suitable one for him. But remember, men are always don’t like to spend much time on shopping, so you need to select several places first and take him there directly, it will save more time and he will feel more comfortable.

(5)Make Meals

This seems difficult, right? If you cannot cook well, maybe give up this idea will be better. But if you do want to cook something even you cannot do well, we suggest you to cook one or two easiest dishes and order or buy the other delicious foods outside, that you still can express your love as well as enjoy yummy food together.

Though this is Father’s Day, you cannot ignore your mother or grandparents. So, just take it as a family day and enjoy time with all family members, all of you will get a great memory. 

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